Basic Lessons

About this podcast
Never underestimate the importance of laying a good foundation. This podcast takes a look at basic lessons related to our growth in life. All of these lessons are applicable and crucial for our long-term growth as believers in the church.
Past Episodes
Our tendency is always to put things off until there is a better time, but rarely is there ever a "better" time. Paul admonished us in 2 Corinthians chapter six: "Behold, now is the well-acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." In this podcast we see why there is no better time to experience Christ than in our youth.
Persecution is the background of the New Testament. 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. It’s not a question of if we will encounter opposition in our Christian life but when we will encounter it. In this podcast we take a look at developing a mindset to stand against the stratagems of the enemy.
Ephesians 5:25 tells us that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. In time, this same feeling that Christ has toward the church should also become our feeling. In reality, to honor the church is to honor the Head and the Body. In this podcast we see what it means to honor the church.
In the church there are many types of meetings — the Lord’s table meeting, the prophesying meeting, and the prayer meeting as well as other types of meetings. Why is the Christian life a life of meeting? What do these meetings afford us? In this week’s podcast we cover the importance of knowing the meeting life of the church.
One of the most important things that we can learn as Christians is to know the fellowship of the church. While it is true that God leads us personally, it is equally true that God leads us through the fellowship of the church. There is a fellowship and circulation going on all the time in the church, and, as we grow in life, we will discover that God oftentimes meets our need through this means.
Promises, hopes, and aspirations abound when we are young, but we should always keep in mind what the Bible considers a well lived life. What should we aspire to? What does a mature life look like in the New Testament? The answer, in short, is sacrifice. In this podcast we cover the importance of having a proper view of the coming years of our life.
Promises, hopes, and aspirations abound when we are young, but we should always keep in mind what the Bible considers a well lived life. What should we aspire to? What does a mature life look like in the New Testament? The answer, in short, is sacrifice. In this podcast we cover the importance of having a proper view of the coming years of our life.
The strongest testimony to man is our universal love toward the believers and towards all mankind. In this podcast we take a look at the trajectory of the divine life as it grows in us and see why a mature Paul could say, “Our mouth is opened to you, Corinthians; our heart is enlarged. You are not constricted in us.”
Almost everyone is familiar with Psalm 23, but not many know that this psalm, following Psalm 22, speaks about what Christ is doing in resurrection–shepherding. Like master, like servant–the believers are commissioned to enter into this labor of shepherding. In this podcast we take a look at what it means to shepherd others in the divine life.
Today there are a lot of influences out there and it is sometimes hard to make out through the din and clutter how we are supposed to live our lives as Christians. In contrast to the many lifestyles and philosophies presented to us in the world, the Bible is unequivocally clear concerning what kind of life we should live. 1 John 2:20 says, “You have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know.” Since the time of our regeneration, we have had this anointing dwelling and operating in us. In this podcast, we take a look at knowing and obeying the teaching of the anointing.
People today are very much guided by their personal philosophy as a guide to living life, but for the Apostle Paul, his philosophical outlook on life was quite simple: For me to live is Christ (Phil 1:21). This is the statement of a consecrated person. Their outlook on life is very simple. In this podcast, we cover the importance of being a consecrated person.
We don’t really want to admit it, but we often think that we are better at managing our lives than God is. However, as we grow in the Lord, we will realize that God’s wisdom in caring for us far exceeds our planning. In this podcast, we take a look at trusting in God’s wisdom concerning all things related to our life.
In pursuing the Lord we need to find a pace that is both aggressive and comfortable. On the face of it these two things might seem contradictory, but, as we take a look at certain verses in the Bible as well as the Apostle Paul’s experience, we will come to realize that this should be a normal state of being for a believer. In this podcast, learn what it means to be both aggressive and normal in our pursuit of the Lord.
In a very real sense, to know our spirit is to know God. A common misconception sometimes abounds among believers. We think that God is responsible for leading us into spiritual experiences. While on the deepest level this may be true, on a more practical and human level the responsibility rests with us. In this podcast we cover our need to know our spirit and the responsibility we bear in exercising it.
One of the most important habits we can develop when we are young is to care for others salvation. There is a divine concept in the Bible that is really beautiful. That is, we can’t fully make progress in our Christian life until we are actively helping someone else make progress in theirs. In Ephesians 3:2 Paul said that the stewardship of grace was not given to him solely for his enjoyment: “If indeed you have heard of the stewardship of the grace of God which was given to me for you.” This reflects the giving nature of the Triune God. If you’ve ever wondered how to avoid plateauing spiritually the secret lies in caring for others. Give of your time. Give of your energy. Learn to have a heart for others. That’s the subject of this week’s podcast.
When it comes to submitting to authority we should have a proper testimony before man and God. Authority is a very real thing in the universe. Everywhere we look we can find it. We encounter authority on a daily basis in the world. We also encounter it in the church. In this podcast we take a look at submission to authority, both at what it is and what it is not.
For a believer the first casualty of a busy life is usually prayer. How is your prayer life? We all feel short in this matter, but how can we have a beginning? And more importantly, how can we have a continuation? In this podcast we cover the importance of developing a prayer life when we are young.
Martin Luther once said of the Bible, “It’s alive, it speaks to me, it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.” Whether or not the Bible is alive to you depends on how you handle it and what you know concerning its nature. In this podcast we cover two Greek words – λογος and ρημα. Find out why understanding the significance of these two words will help you touch the real essence of the Bible.
Even though we may not sense it God is available to us all the time as the Spirit. This week on Basic Lessons we cover knowing the applied Spirit and what this means in our actual experience.
God’s answer to all of our problems is Christ. On our side it is complicated but on God’s side it is simple. This week on Basic Lessons learn why Christ is all-inclusive.
This week on Basic Lessons find out why we should aspire to know the divine life. People today want to experience human life to the fullest. But how many people want to experience or even know about the divine life.
Peter is the only New Testament author to use the word “precious” in describing the blood of Christ. How much we value the blood depends upon our experience and growth in life. In this podcast we take a look at the precious blood of Christ.
In this inaugural podcast we cover the assurance of salvation. One thing young people often struggle with is condemnation, especially after a failure. Knowing the assurance of your salvation will helps you realize that, regardless of your feeling, your Christian life stands on a firm foundation.