Fall 2014 Southern California College Conference #1 – The Age of the Jubilee

JubileeIn the Old Testament age, God ordained that every fifty years would be a year of jubilee among His people (Lev. 25:8-17). During that year any man who had sold his land or had sold himself into slavery would be released from captivity and brought back to his own inheritance. The reality of the age of the jubilee is today, the New Testament age, where we enjoy the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us. The Lord Jesus has released us that we may have God as our possession and He delivered us from the bondage of sin and Satan so that we may have genuine freedom. Now we must proclaim Him as the jubilee to those who are poor, blind, captive, and oppressed among us.


  1. The Age of the Jubilee
  2. The Blessings of the Jubilee
  3. The Living of the Jubilee
  4. The Proclamation of the Jubilee
  5. Afternoon Fellowship - Being a Friend for the Gospel

Special Fellowship - Examples of Practicing to Speak the Jubilee

Entire Fall College Conference - The Age of Jubilee (Zip File)

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