Flee and Pursue Podcast #105 – A Word of Encouragement During this Health Crisis (2) – Our Family Life
The burden in this podcast is that we would take the lead in our home and family life to be a blessing to our family during this current crisis. In Genesis 12:1-3 God told Abraham that in him all the families of the earth would be blessed. In principle, we can also become a blessing—a blessing to our family. Because schools are closed, we are spending more and more time together at home with our family. Whether or not this time becomes a blessing to us and to our family depends on our attitude. There are a number of practical ways we can become a channel of supply to our family. We can care for our siblings and set an example for younger siblings by being a pattern. We can pray with our parents regarding the anxieties they may be facing. We can spend time with our grandparents. In the beginning of the New Testament, the church life was a day to day and house to house church life (Acts 5:42). The Lord's desire is to bring us back to this kind of church life. May we cooperate with him to become a blessing to our family and a channel of supply!
Lord Jesus I want to be a channel of blessing to my family in this health crisis.