Posts by Ageturners
Podcast #37 – The Discipline of God
How do we know that we are genuine children of God? We know because we have a Father who not only loves us but also disciplines us as His sons (Heb. 12:7). In this podcast we will see the reason behind the discipline of God and learn what to do when we are under His…
Read MoreThe Vision and Experience of the Riches of Christ for the Church
A proper vision always brings us into the genuine experience of Christ for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. In this conference we take a look at the unsearchable riches of Christ, the consummation of these riches, and the produce of these riches in our experience. We also take a…
Read MoreChrist, the Church, the Cross, and the Kingdom
In Matthew 16 the Lord Jesus asked the disciples a pointed question concerning what they knew of Him, “But you, who do you say that I am?” We all need to answer this question. We may know many things about the Lord but the Lord would like to ask us personally and directly, “But you,…
Read MorePodcast #36 – Examples of Fearing God
We may not see many examples of people who fear God in today’s society, but the Bible provides many examples, both positive and negative, that illustrate this matter. In this week’s podcast we continue to take a look at this crucial aspect of our experience and relationship with the Lord.
Read MoreThe Crucifixion of Christ
Today we live in an age where self-expression is highly valued. There are many things that we earn for ourselves that can be a cause for boasting: our profession, our education, our ancestry, and many other things. Galatians 6:14 presents another thought. Paul tells us in this verse that his one boast was in the…
Read MorePodcast #35 – A Normal Fear of God
There was a time when both believers and unbelievers alike feared God, but today it is “normal” for people to deny the existence of God and His coming judgment. In this week’s podcast we get a word to restore in us a normal fear of God so that we would be sanctified and preserved in…
Read MorePodcast #34 – The Judgment Seat of Christ
Did you know that one out of every 20 verses in the New Testament talk about the Lord’s second coming? What does it mean to live in the light of the Lord’s second coming? In this podcast we begin to consider this matter and how it relates to our daily life.
Read MorePodcast #33 – The Precious Blood of Christ
Why do we often fall prey to guilt or Satan’s accusations after sinning? It is because we do not fully appreciate the blood of Christ. In this week’s podcast we are exhorted to consider the preciousness of the blood of Christ so that we may live a holy manner of life.
Read MoreThe Divine History
We should not think that man has a history but that God does not have a history. In this universe there are two histories: the history of man, the human history, and the history of God, the divine history. What is the divine history? Simply stated, it is the history of a corporate person–Christ and…
Read More2010 Winter Training Fellowship – Isaiah Part 1
Brother Minoru Chen shared some very important fellowship with the young people during the Winter Training concerning their future and consecration. Isaiah 55:1 says, “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, And you who have no money; Come, buy and eat.” The water is just God as the Spirit—free and available to all. On…
Read MoreBecoming a Timothy for the Lord’s Recovery
The Lord’s recovery today for its continuation and consummation needs a lot of Timothy’s–some who are faithful, pure, and absolute to assimilate all that has been imparted to them. God wants to consummate this age but what He is lacking today are young people who will cooperate with Him and allow Him to have a…
Read MoreThe Lord’s Return
Download: The Promise of Christ’s Coming The Signs of Christ’s Coming The Statuses of Christ in His Coming The Preparation for Christ’s Coming The Reward of Christ at His Coming
Read MorePodcast #32 – The Spirit of Reality
We all crave reality, but why does it sometimes seem that the things of God are not so real to us? In this week’s podcast we take a look at John 16. In order to experience the Spirit of reality guiding us into all the reality, there is a prerequisite: the exercise of our conscience.…
Read MoreOur Birthright
Download: The Significance of the Birthright (1) The Significance of the Birthright (2) The Birthright as a Warning and a Reward The Blessing, Privilege, and Enjoyment of the Birthright
Read MoreThe High Gospel – SoCal Conference #2
Man is the meaning of the universe. Christ is the meaning of human life. The church is the expression of Christ and is our real family life. Go therefore and disciple all the nations. These simple yet profound statements embody the good news, the gospel, which the Bible unveils to mankind. The Bible charges us…
Read MoreThe High Gospel – SoCal Conference #1
Man is the meaning of the universe. Christ is the meaning of human life. The church is the expression of Christ and is our real family life. Go therefore and disciple all the nations. These simple yet profound statements embody the good news, the gospel, which the Bible unveils to mankind. The Bible charges us…
Read MoreLiving a Life for the Fulfillment of God’s Eternal Purpose by Enjoying Christ as Everything for a New Revival
Download: Living a Life according to the Highest Peak of the Divine Revelation (1) Living a Life according to the Highest Peak of the Divine Revelation (2) Living a Life according to the Highest Peak of the Divine Revelation (3) Living a Life of Consecration, Morning Revival, and Shepherding for the Fulfillment of God’s Eternal…
Read MorePodcast #31 – God’s Economy and Our Conscience
What do we need to counteract the degradation of this age and to preserve us in God’s economy? We need a good conscience. In this week’s podcast we continue to look at the connection between faith, God’s economy, our love for the Lord, and our need to keep a good conscience.
Read MorePodcast #30 – Our Attitude Toward Authority (2)
Another subtle frustration to our daily enjoyment of the Lord is our attitude toward the authorities that God has placed in our lives. In this week’s podcast we continue our fellowship on this matter, revealing our need to confess even the smallest instances of rebellion so that our conscience and fellowship with the Lord may…
Read MoreEuropean YP Conference – The Significance, Preciousness and Enjoyment of the Birthright in God’s Economy
The subject of this year’s Poland camp was the birthright. As young people, we all must know the significance of the birthright, see the preciousness of it, and know how we can enjoy it. If we properly participate and enter into the birthright in this age, we will inherit the full blessing of the birthright…
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