European Young People’s Conference

2019 - The Lord's Coming
2018 - The Life and Work that Changed the Age
2017 - The Kingdom of God
2016 - The Testimony of Jesus
2015 - The Secret of the Reigning Life of Joseph
2014 - Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus (4)
2013 - Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus (3)
2012 - Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus (2)
2011 - Crucial Aspects of God’s Economy Portrayed in Exodus (1)
2010 - The Significance, Preciousness and Enjoyment of the Birthright in God’s Economy
2009 - The Testimony of Jesus
2008 - The Kingdom
2007 - The Lord's Return
2006 - The Men Who Turn the Age