Flee and Pursue Podcast #103 – Giving Thanks (3)
In this podcast, we conclude this line of fellowship by looking at the matter of giving thanks as seen in the book of Psalms along with the New Testament story of the Lord's healing of ten lepers. How often we overlook this matter of giving thanks! Just a little studying will show us how giving thanks can bring us into the Lord's presence and preserve our enjoyment of Him.
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You’re worth to give thanks in everything in every moment in all things! Thank You Lord Jesus Christ!
As Christian, We have to give thanks to The Lord in everything…even in current situation. Our thanks giving is not a small thing but it is a matter of prayer and also giving sacrifices to him..we must Learn to Always Give thanks to Him…
Lets grab the opportunity to enjoy Him. We have now a free time to have fellowship with the Lord..lets take this chance to be filled with His word and Life infills us