Posts by Ageturners
Podcast #64 – Not Remaining Passive and Not Leaving the Proper Spiritual Influence
Why is God called the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob in the Bible, but He is not called the God of Lot? Isaac, Jacob, and Lot were all second-generation believers, so what accounts for God identifying Himself with Isaac and with Jacob but not with Lot? In this podcast we look at…
Read MorePodcast #14 – Knowing and Obeying the Teaching of the Anointing
Today there are a lot of influences out there and it is sometimes hard to make out through the din and clutter how we are supposed to live our lives as Christians. In contrast to the many lifestyles and philosophies presented to us in the world, the Bible is unequivocally clear concerning what kind of…
Read MorePodcast #27 – A Strong Wind Blowing at Williams College
In August of 1806, five students from Williams College gathered in a meadow near the Hoosack River to discuss their burden for spreading the gospel abroad. Their meeting was suddenly interrupted by a thunderstorm and they were forced to take shelter under a nearby haystack. There they continued their fellowship and prayer for the spread…
Read MorePodcast #63 – The Need for a Firsthand, Direct Relationship with the Lord
The Old Testament is rich in pictures and stories that can help us to better understand our New Testament walk. In this podcast we consider Lot’s experience in Genesis and see why passivity in the Christian life can lead to the squandering of all of God’s blessings. We also consider the importance of developing a…
Read MorePodcast #13 – Be a Consecrated Person
“A saved person should be a consecrated person…To be saved without being consecrated is a very abnormal condition.” – The Experience of Life People today are very much guided by their personal philosophy as a guide to living life, but for the Apostle Paul, his philosophical outlook on life was quite simple: For me to…
Read MorePodcast #26 – Katie Luther – Martin’s Dearest
In this delightful episode we take a glimpse into Martin Luther’s married and domestic life. Katie Luther, Martin’s wife, is the subject of this podcast. After they each left the Romish practice of convents and monasteries, Martin, a former monk, and Katie, a former nun, settled down to enjoy a normal Christ-centered marriage and family…
Read MorePodcast #12 – Trusting in God’s Wisdom Concerning All Things
We don’t really want to admit it, but we often think that we are better at managing our lives than God is. However, as we grow in the Lord, we will realize that God’s wisdom in caring for us far exceeds our planning. In this podcast, we take a look at trusting in God’s wisdom…
Read MorePodcast #25 – The Recovery of Justification by Faith
The recovery of justification by faith was a great turning point in the history of the church. We may take it for granted today, but without it we would enjoy precious little of God’s salvation. In this podcast we take a look at this recovery and how it opened the way for the Word of…
Read MoreBecoming a Shepherd – Howard Higashi
When the life of Christ grows in us, what does it look like? It looks a lot like shepherding. In this fellowship, we go back in time to hear Brother Howard Higashi share on the life of shepherding. He relates some of his experiences shepherding others and offers encouraging fellowship as to why we should…
Read More2014 Southern California College Conference – The Vision of the Church
What is the church? The church is not a building on a corner or merely a congregation of God’s redeemed. The church is actually the desire of God’s heart, even His good pleasure (Eph 1:9). Everything that God has done and will do is for the church: God created the universe for the church (Eph.…
Read MorePodcast #11 – Learning to be Both Aggressive and Comfortable in Our Pursuit
In pursuing the Lord we need to find a pace that is both aggressive and comfortable. On the face of it these two things might seem contradictory, but, as we take a look at certain verses in the Bible as well as the Apostle Paul’s experience, we will come to realize that this should be…
Read MorePodcast #24 – Fighting the Good Fight
“I see in Luther an energy of faith, for which millions of souls ought to be thankful to God. I can truly say I am.” – John Nelson Darby In this podcast we come to Martin Luther’s momentous break with the church of Rome. Sometimes history allows us to peer into the souls of men…
Read MorePodcast #10 – Know Our Spirit
In a very real sense, to know our spirit is to know God. A common misconception sometimes abounds among believers. We think that God is responsible for leading us into spiritual experiences. While on the deepest level this may be true, on a more practical and human level the responsibility rests with us. In this…
Read MorePodcast #62 – The Overcoming Power and the Normality of Eating
Sometimes we have a mistaken concept of what it means to overcome. Strength. Power. Might. Endurance. These are words we instinctively associate with overcoming. But what does the Bible really have to say about overcoming? In this final podcast in our series on eating, we take a look at the secret of overcoming and, surprisingly,…
Read MoreMaking a Decision to Live for God and His Purpose
“That you may be blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world” – Philippians 2:15 In some respects, Noah was a lot like you and me. He lived in the midst of a generation that was filled…
Read MorePodcast #23 – A Monk Turns from Works to Grace
In this week’s podcast we cover the fascinating story of how Luther, an Augustinian monk, came to know grace through faith in Christ. We begin with Luther’s encounter with the Bible in his monastery’s library. We then turn to Luther’s pilgrimage to Rome to see how the corruption and extravagance he witnessed there greatly disillusioned…
Read MorePodcast #9 – Learn to Have a Heart for Others and Their Salvation
…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” – Matthew 20:28 One of the most important habits we can develop when we are young is to care for others salvation. There is a divine concept in the Bible that is…
Read MorePodcast #61 – Eating by Contacting People
Did you know that our contacting of people is considered a kind of eating. There is an important spiritual principle for us to lay hold of in the Bible that should govern all of our relationships. The dietary regulations in Leviticus 11 and Peter’s vision in Acts 10 clearly reveal this spiritual principle. Find out…
Read More2014 Summer School of Truth for South America
This year’s summer school of truth for all of South America covered the Triune God and the person and work of Christ. The fellowship was rich, practical, and uplifting. The messages are in English with Portuguese translation. Lesson six was not covered in detail; there is no corresponding audio file. The Triune God and the…
Read MorePodcast #22 – Young Martin – Ignorant of God’s Righteousness
God uses all manner of things and persons to mold us into the kind of vessel that He needs for His up-to-date move. In this introductory podcast we take a look at young Martin Luther and the formative experiences that prepared him to boldly stand against the corruption of the church in the Middle Ages.…
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