Posts by Ageturners
God’s Desire and Our Destiny
Did you know that as a believer you have an eternal history, a history that began in eternity past. The history of the eternal Triune God is our history. In this conference, see what God’s desire is toward us and why our destiny is to be blessed with the Triune God. Download: God’s Intention in…
Read MorePodcast #14 – The Humanity of Jesus (1)
How can we stand against the tide of this age? We need the humanity of Jesus! In this week’s podcast we see that enjoying the humanity of Jesus is the way for us to be His testimony, to have an impact on our friends, and “having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13).
Read MorePodcast #13 – Stirring Up an Atmosphere for the Lord’s Move
Just as John the Baptist stirred up an atmosphere of repentance before the Lord’s first coming, we need to do the same in preparation for the Lord’s second coming. This week’s podcast issues a challenge to us to stir up an atmosphere of the gospel through our prayer and our testimony before others.
Read MoreOur Birthright (Southern California)
Today, as believers in Christ, we comprise the church of the firstborn (Heb. 12:23) By being reborn of God, we are entitled to receive a special portion, or birthright. Our birthright is not a physical piece of land; it is the unsearchable riches of Christ. It is not a formal, religious service to God; it…
Read MorePodcast #12 – Taking Care of What We Express
Through the Internet, young people today have a way to freely express themselves to the whole world in a way that was not possible before. But who is expressing God? In this week’s podcast we take a look at how we as the corporate expression of God need to take care of what we express…
Read MoreThe Gospel of God
What is the gospel of God? It is Christ as the threefold seed in humanity—the seed of David, the seed of the woman, and the seed of Abraham—dispensing Himself into the believers to produce the corporate seed. The book of Romans reveals the structure of such a gospel: the righteousness of God, the life of…
Read MorePodcast #11 – The Prayer of Companions
One of the ways we can “do business” until the Lord comes is by having a certain kind of prayer, the prayer of companions. In this week’s podcast we cover our need to have this kind of prayer, prayers of authority that bind and loose and that touch God’s will concerning His lost sheep.
Read MorePodcast #10 – Doing Business Until the Lord Comes
In Luke 19:13 the Lord says, “Do business until I come.” In this week’s podcast we tackle the need for a change in our mindset, a change from merely being on the defensive to being on the offensive, from merely holding onto our “mina” to actively doing business with it, especially in regard to bringing…
Read MorePodcast #9 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (7)
“Her sins which are many are forgiven, because she loved much; but to whom little is forgiven, he loves little” (Luke 7:47). In this week’s podcast we draw a connection between the matters of loving the Lord, confessing our sins, and being brought into a deeper fellowship with the Lord.
Read MorePodcast #8 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (6)
So far we’ve seen many aspects and practices related to our set time of fellowship with the Lord, but if we lack one basic yet critical matter, our time with the Lord will still feel dry and unsatisfying. Find out what this basic matter is in this week’s podcast.
Read MoreGuidelines for Having a Set Time of Fellowship with the Lord
Below are the guidelines for a time with the Lord that are mentioned in Flee and Pursue Podcast #7. Each of the items listed below has suggested amounts of time to spend on that item; the first time is for the 7-minute version of the program, and the time in parentheses is for the 10-minute…
Read MorePodcast #7 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (5)
For those of us who are not used to having a time of fellowship with the Lord, such a time may be awkward; we may not know what to do or say. To help us overcome this problem, in this week’s podcast we introduce a set of guidelines called “A Time with the Lord -…
Read MorePodcast #6 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (4)
Ever struggle in the morning with whether to get up and fellowship with the Lord or to stay in bed an extra ten minutes? Perhaps one of the reasons this is such a struggle is that we do not realize the immense benefits of spending time with the Lord in the morning. In this week’s…
Read MorePodcast #5 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (3)
Many of us are familiar with the matter of pray-reading, but we may not know why it is necessary or how to practice it. This week’s podcast tackles why pray-reading is so crucial and two ways to incorporate this life practice into our time with the Lord.
Read MorePodcast #4 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (2)
One of the biggest obstacles in our morning time with the Lord is our wandering mind. What should we do when distracting thoughts interrupt our fellowship with the Lord? Find out in this episode the way to deal with this problem.
Read MorePodcast #3 – Having Fellowship at a Set Time and Place (1)
Have you ever tried to have a time with the Lord in the morning but failed? Then have a new beginning by listening to this third podcast in the “Flee and Pursue” series! This week’s podcast presents this crucial practice in a very simple and approachable way, refreshing our desire to begin each day with…
Read MoreOur Enjoyment of the Birthright
In the Old Testament the firstborn son of every family enjoyed the birthright, which was composed of three blessings: a double portion of the land, the priesthood, and the kingship. As New Testament believers we also may enjoy the birthright–Christ as our good land, the realization and experience of the genuine priesthood, and the experience…
Read MoreBeing Desperate and Living Uniquely for the Gospel – SoCal Conference #2
As college students, we must see that we are in the last times and that the gospel of the kingdom must be spread throughout the earth. Our response to this seeing should be, first of all, to pray, and then to go! Our going is not as individuals, but as the Body in 2’s and…
Read MorePodcast #2 – Dealing with Friendships
One of the most difficult issues we as young people face is how to be with our unbelieving friends or those who believe but are not in the church life. This second podcast in the “Flee and Pursue” series addresses this issue, revealing how to keep ourselves when our friends want us to participate in…
Read MorePodcast #1 – Introduction
In order to be age turners, we need to stand against this age by fleeing and pursuing. In this first-ever podcast we begin a series of talks called “Flee and Pursue” based on 2 Timothy 2:22. Listen to this podcast and discover what you need to flee from, what you need to pursue, and how…
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