Posts by Ageturners
2015 Summer Training Fellowship – The Word of God Will Preserve Us
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105 What do we do when certain things in the world situation contradict the Word of God? In this fellowship Brother Minoru offers a very balanced word about living in today’s age. We must realize that as Christians, God…
Read MorePodcast #34 – The China Inland Mission
Hudson Taylor’s work in the interior of China came to be known as the China Inland Mission. In this podcast we take a look at how this labor came to be and why it proved to be so enduring. We’ll see how the life Hudson Taylor lived shaped the foundation and mission of the China…
Read MorePodcast #71 – A Pattern to the Believers in Word (1)
Nothing is more convincing than a pattern. I Timothy 4:12 is the Apostle Paul’s charge to a young Timothy to be a pattern to the believers in word, conduct, love, faith, and purity. In this week’s Flee and Pursue Podcast, we look at what it means to be a pattern in word—in what we speak…
Read MoreA Call to Prayer for the 2015 National College Training
Through the Lord’s leading and much fellowship and prayer, from June 1st through June 30th we will dedicate fifteen hours a day to pray in view of this summer’s National College Training. The Lord’s blessing on this time depends on our prayer, and we hope that each one of us will participate.
Read MorePodcast #33 – Serving with Companions
Hudson Taylor is generally credited with opening the interior of China to the gospel, but he did not do it alone. He needed others to serve with. In this podcast we take a look at some of the companions who the Lord provided during his years of labor, including the most important–his wife, Maria Dryer.…
Read MorePodcast #22 – Be Inoculated Against the Enemy’s Stratagems
Persecution is the background of the New Testament. 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. It’s not a question of if we will encounter opposition in our Christian life but when we will encounter it. In this podcast we take a look…
Read MoreLiving for the Will of God
“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, for You have created all things, and because of Your will they were, and were created.” – Revelation 4:11 Our life is governed by certain fundamental decisions that we make in the course of our human life. One…
Read MorePodcast #70 – Five Statuses of the Believers (2)
We are priests of the gospel of God and members of the Body of Christ. These may sound like very high and impractical statuses, but in this podcast we show just how practical these statuses can be in our experience. Do we know how to bear the names of our friends to God? Do we…
Read MoreThe Gospel of the Kingdom
“Man is the meaning of the universe. Christ is the meaning of human life. The church is the expression of Christ and is our real family life. Go therefore and disciple all the nations.” – Matthew 24:14 Download: 01. The Gospel of the Kingdom 02. The Divine Life and the Kingdom 03. The Exercise and Reward…
Read MorePodcast #32 – Taking the Gospel to the Interior of China
Taking the gospel into the interior of China in the 19th Century was a real challenge. Almost all missionary work in the mid 1800’s was consigned to the coasts of China, where there was easy access to ports and protection offered from troops stationed in those cities. The interior of China held many unknowns for…
Read MorePodcast #21 – Honor the Church
Ephesians 5:25 tells us that Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. In time, this same feeling that Christ has toward the church should also become our feeling. In reality, to honor the church is to honor the Head and the Body. In this podcast we see what it means to honor…
Read More1995 College Training – Crystallization Study of the Song of Songs
Ecclesiastes sums up man’s life on earth as vanity of vanities, but this is only half of the story. The Song of Songs shows us that when a person believes he goes from vanity of vanities to satisfaction of satisfactions. This college training, given in 1995 following the Crystallization Study of the Song of Songs,…
Read MorePodcast #69 – Five Statuses of the Believers
You are an ambassador of Christ. You are the good seed. You are a branch in the vine. Sometimes just realizing what our status is can have quite an impact on how we live our daily life. We often ask what should I as a Christian be doing? But the better question may be, what…
Read MorePodcast #20 – Know the Meeting Life of the Church
In the church there are many types of meetings — the Lord’s table meeting, the prophesying meeting, and the prayer meeting as well as other types of meetings. Why is the Christian life a life of meeting? What do these meetings afford us? In this week’s podcast we cover the importance of knowing the meeting…
Read MorePodcast #31 – Preparation of a Useful Vessel – Hudson Taylor
God moves primarily through persons, not movements. It may take God a long time to gain a person, but once God has the person, He has the way. In this podcast we take a look at Hudson Taylor’s formative years and the experiences that God sovereignly used to shape this vessel who would open up…
Read MorePodcast #68 – The Functions of the Bible (3)
In this podcast we continue to look at five more functions of the word of God. The word of God divides our soul from our spirit. It tries us. It give us hope, endurance and encouragement. It give us joy. And the word washes us from our contact with the world. These experiences can be…
Read MorePodcast #19 – Know the Fellowship of the Church
One of the most important things that we can learn as Christians is to know the fellowship of the church. While it is true that God leads us personally, it is equally true that God leads us through the fellowship of the church. There is a fellowship and circulation going on all the time in…
Read More2014 Winter Training Fellowship – Let this Fire Burn within You Moses referred to the burning bush as a great sight. In Acts 7:31 Stephen, in recounting the history of Israel, referred to it as a vision. Even the Lord Jesus made reference to it in Mark 12:26, referring to it as the section concerning the bush. In this fellowship, Brother Minoru spends time speaking…
Read MorePodcast #30 – Sufferings and Joys of the Persevering Pioneer
On Robert Morrison’s tombstone it is written, “After a service of twenty-seven years cheerfully spent in extending the kingdom of the blessed Redeemer…he sweetly slept in Jesus.” Anyone familiar with Morrison’s missionary endeavors in China knows that he often met with privation and hardship. Yet despite his outward circumstances, Morrison’s life stands as a record…
Read MoreFall 2014 Southern California College Conference #2 – The Age of the Jubilee
In the Old Testament age, God ordained that every fifty years would be a year of jubilee among His people (Lev. 25:8-17). During that year any man who had sold his land or had sold himself into slavery would be released from captivity and brought back to his own inheritance. The reality of the age…
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