Podcast #1 – Introduction to Great Resolutions Podcast

Throughout the centuries, among God's people there have always been some who have made great resolutions in heart (Judges 5:15.) It benefits us greatly to know something of these saints who have gone before us. In this new podcast series we consider the value of knowing the biographies of biblical and historical figures in church history.

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  1. David on August 14, 2013 at 6:32 pm

    Thank you Lord! I have been looking for something like this. The Lord has been putting this on my heart lately and I’ve searched through online engines and so forth. However, no peace. Now I know this is not of myself. Lord this is on your heart.

  2. gary on December 27, 2014 at 3:54 am

    Thank the Lord for these highly digestible sharings. They give a focal matter to experience, integrate and, where there’s opportunity, to share. As more of us share in these experiences, they become corporate for the building and strengthening of the Body, the Lord’s testimony and our personal enrichment. Thank-you, saints who have gone before, to help me along, praise and thanks to the Lord Jesus!

  3. Frederick on September 23, 2018 at 6:05 am

    I’m inspired to share that while listening to this podcast the Lord touched me emotionally to tears regarding the profitability of Christian biographies. Since being freshly recovered back to the church life in April 2018, God has been more than faithful to speak to me and touch me concerning His move on the earth today. Lord, gain me by your mercy and grace, through the willing and the working for your good pleasure. May I cooperate fully for you to finish what you’ve begun in me and so many others. Lord, gain your overcomers! AMEN!

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