The Burden of the Gospel
"A certain Samaritan, who was journeying, came upon him; and when he saw him, he was moved with compassion"
- Luke 10:33
The first requirement of one who shares the gospel is that they appreciate their salvation. In this fellowship, Brother Howard Higashi shares his testimony of salvation as well as those of his family and friends. The parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 illustrates how the Lord comes to visit us as fallen sinners. Brother Howard draws on this parable to show how in his own salvation and in the salvation of others, the Lord came to visit them in their helpless condition.
The Burden of the Gospel
I was so touch for such a Life of Christ in the Saints and beautiful Love that Our Lord has for those who are faithful.
I myself am passing through so many things over my health that my thoughts are of dying and give up . I’m just waiting in the Lord’s will..
I do appreciate my Salvation and give all the praises to Him. Hallelujah praise the Lord!