Posts by Ageturners
Podcast #29 – Our Attitude Toward Authority (1)
Another subtle frustration to our daily enjoyment of the Lord is our attitude toward the authorities that God has placed in our lives. In this week’s podcast we take a look at why our attitude toward authority, especially our parents, is such a serious matter and how it affects our fellowship with the Lord.
Read MorePodcast #28 – Exercising Our Spirit in Our Speaking (3)
When it comes to exercising our spirit in our daily life, one area that we often overlook, or are numb to, is the matter of our speaking, our words. In this week’s podcast we cover several more types of speaking that we need to avoid in order for our conscience to be clear and our…
Read More2010 East Coast College Training – Christ Our Portion
Paul’s epistle to the Colossian believers presents a panorama of Christ. This Christ is not merely an objective Christ, but He is Christ our portion, Christ in us, and Christ our life (Col. 1:12, 27; 3:4). As those who have received Christ, Paul charges us to walk in Him and to be rooted and built…
Read MorePodcast #27 – Exercising Our Spirit in Our Speaking (2)
When it comes to exercising our spirit in our daily life, one area that we often overlook, or are numb to, is the matter of our speaking, our words. In this week’s podcast we cover several more types of speaking that we should avoid in order for our conscience to be clear and our fellowship…
Read MorePodcast #26 – Exercising Our Spirit in Our Speaking (1)
When it comes to exercising our spirit in our daily life, one area that we often overlook, or are numb to, is the matter of our speaking, our words. In this week’s podcast we look at the seriousness of our words and the need for our conscience to be sensitized in this matter.
Read MoreExperiencing Christ as Life
If we are going to realize God’s goal, the Body of Christ, we must have a practical and daily experience of Christ. Our Christian life began with our regeneration and baptism. It continues with certain experiences that bring us into a deeper fellowship with Christ. Fellowshipping with the Lord, being in the cycle of life,…
Read MorePodcast #25 – The Effect of Our Conscience on Our Enjoyment
Sometimes, the reason we cannot enjoy the Lord is that we have repeatedly ignored the feelings of our conscience, causing it to become calloused. In this week’s podcast we look at how putting aside the feelings of our conscience causes it to become insensitive and how we can regain the sensitivity of our conscience.
Read MorePodcast #24 – Stirring Up Our Spirit and Taking Heed to Our Spirit
Most people have never seen their stomach, yet they know they have one because of the feelings it gives them. Likewise, although we cannot see our spirit, we know we have one because of the feelings the Lord gives us in our spirit. In this week’s podcast we talk about the need for us to…
Read MorePodcast #23 – The Exercise and Release of Our Spirit
Have you ever felt like no matter how much you call, sing, or pray, you simply cannot release your spirit and enjoy the reality of the Lord’s presence? The reason may be that you have not been exercising the functions of your spirit. In this week’s podcast we look at the connection between the release…
Read More2010 Midwest College Training – Christ Our Portion
This is the first ever college training held in the Midwest focusing on the book of Colossians. Paul’s epistle to the Colossian believers presents a panorama of Christ. This Christ is not merely an objective Christ, but He is Christ our portion, Christ in us, and Christ our life (Col. 1:12, 27; 3:4). As those…
Read More2010 West Coast College Training – Christ Our Portion
Paul’s epistle to the Colossian believers presents a panorama of Christ. This Christ is not merely an objective Christ, but He is Christ our portion, Christ in us, and Christ our life (Col. 1:12, 27; 3:4). As those who have received Christ, Paul charges us to walk in Him and to be rooted and built…
Read MorePodcast #22 – The Exercise of Our Conscience
For many of us, “exercise your spirit” is a common and oft heard phrase, but did you know that one of the primary ways to exercise our spirit is to exercise our conscience? In this week’s podcast we look at how the exercise of our conscience equals the exercise of our spirit and why this…
Read MorePodcast #21 – Five Principles of Effective Prayer
Do you feel like your preaching has no effect? Early in his Christian life, Watchman Nee preached the gospel for an entire year with almost no result. Then a sister told him that the problem was not with his preaching but with his prayer. In this week’s podcast we cover five principles for us to…
Read MorePodcast #20 – The Way to Do the Work of an Evangelist (2)
Doing the work of an evangelist may seem like a difficult and intimidating task. However, the Bible presents us with the practical way to accomplish this, and that way may be easier than you think. In this week’s podcast we cover two more steps of this way presented in the ministry.
Read MorePodcast #19 – The Way to Do the Work of an Evangelist (1)
Doing business for the Lord, doing the work of an evangelist, turning the age, being overcomers–these tasks may seem difficult and intimidating. However, the Bible has revealed the practical way to accomplish these things, and that way may be easier than you think. In this week’s podcast we introduce the first two steps of this…
Read MorePodcast #18 – Practice These Things, Be in Them
We have heard, learned, and received a lot about doing the work of an evangelist, but to what extent have we done them? In this week’s podcast we take a look at how we can practice the things that we have heard and be in them, taking the way presented to us in the ministry.…
Read MoreThe Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ
How well do you know your God? What kind of God do you have? Who is God to you? Daniel 11:32 tells us that the people who know their God will show strength and take action. There is a great need today for us to know God, not only objectively but also subjectively. Who is…
Read MorePodcast #17 – Do the Work of an Evangelist
In 2 Timothy 4:5, Paul told his young co-worker Timothy to “do the work of an evangelist,” which implies that Timothy did not have the gift of an evangelist. In this week’s podcast we consider what is is to “do the work of an evangelist.” Although we may not have the gift of an evangelist,…
Read MorePodcast #16 – Do Business While I Am Coming
The Lord has given each of us a mina, a talent, but what are we doing with it? Are we merely preserving it, hiding it in the earth, or are we doing business with it, investing it with the “bankers”? In this week’s podcast we visit again the burden that we would actively do business…
Read MorePodcast #15 – The Humanity of Jesus (2)
When people contact us, they should touch a “blue cord” sewn into the fringe of our “garment”; that is, they should touch a living that is under the heavenly rule. For us to have such a living, we need the humanity of Jesus. In this week’s podcast we cover five keys to enjoying the humanity…
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