Posts by Ageturners
Being Desperate and Living Uniquely for the Gospel – SoCal Conference #1
As college students, we must see that we are in the last times and that the gospel of the kingdom must be spread throughout the earth. Our response to this seeing should be, first of all, to pray, and then to go! Our going is not as individuals, but as the Body in 2’s and…
Read MoreEuropean YP Conference – The Testimony of Jesus
When Christ was living on the earth as a man, He was the testimony and expression of God. In Revelation 1:5 He is called “the faithful Witness.” Today God desires to reproduce this testimony and expression in the church. Because we live in a dark age, there is very little realization of this testimony today.…
Read More2009 West Coast College Training – Christ Lives in Me
The desire of God’s heart is to reveal Christ in us that we may know Him, receive Him as our life, and express Him corporately as the sons of God. The Epistle to the Galatians was written by Paul to rescue the distracted believers out of religion (i.e., worshipping and serving God without Christ) and…
Read More2009 East Coast College Training – Christ Lives in Me
The desire of God’s heart is to reveal Christ in us that we may know Him, receive Him as our life, and express Him corporately as the sons of God. The Epistle to the Galatians was written by Paul to rescue the distracted believers out of religion (i.e., worshipping and serving God without Christ) and…
Read MoreA Heart for Man
One of the most important things we can do as believers is to cultivate a heart for man, especially as it relates to the gospel. In this time of fellowship, Brother Howard Higashi shares his personal testimony of salvation as well as many other gospel stories. Download: A Heart for Man (1) A Heart for…
Read MoreFellowship on the Gospel
There is nothing higher than bringing another human being to the Triune God (Luke 15). While in the classroom, on campus, or with friends and family, we can cultivate a heart for man. Oftentimes we feel inadequate in speaking something for the Lord, but our appreciation of the Lord’s saving us and the joy of…
Read MoreVital Factors of the Lord’s Recovery
Today, God is working to recover three things—Christ as everything to the believers, the oneness of the Body of Christ, and the functioning of every member of the Body. For Him to accomplish this requires certain vital factors. These vital factors are the economy of God, the all-inclusive Christ, and the life-giving Spirit. To be…
Read MoreThe Urgent Need of the Young People to Live Soberly, Righteously and Godly in the Present Age by the Training of Grace
In this conference, an urgent call is issued to today’s young people to overcome the stupor of the present evil age to be ready for the Lord’s second coming. There is an urgent need today for the young people to rise up to bear the testimony of Jesus. The Bible warns us that the last…
Read MoreThe Supreme Preciousness of Christ in 1 and 2 Peter
As believers, we need to ask the Lord to grant us the light to have a thorough change in our concept of value so that we will continually choose Christ and all that He is as our super-excelling portion. The two epistles of Peter are unique in their unveiling of Christ as the precious one.…
Read MoreMen Who Turn the Age
Do we have dispensational value in God’s eyes? Men often value the worth of a person’s life in terms of education, financial attainment or contribution to society, but how does God value a man’s life? God wants to close this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. For this, He needs some to…
Read MoreThe Supreme Preciousness of Christ
Fallen man has a value system that is completely contrary to God’s. What man exults, God considers abominable, and what God treasures, man despises. Since our regeneration, our concept of value has gradually been changing. In the epistles of Peter we see one who valued Christ greatly. Download: The Supreme Preciousness of Christ (1) The…
Read MoreEating Christ
In John 6:57 the Lord Jesus said that “he who eats Me also shall live because of Me.” In no other way can we fulfill God’s purpose apart from eating Christ. This line of taking in Christ as our food runs throughout the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. We can enjoy Christ as the…
Read More2008 West Coast College Training – That I May Gain Christ
Our college years can be dedicated to the pursuit of many things—academics, sports, careers, social relationships, etc.–but ultimately the most meaningful human pursuit is that of a Christian to gain Christ. Such a pursuit should not be individual, but corporate. In particular it is carried out in small groups of twos or threes. The more…
Read MoreThe Purpose of the Ages
What is the purpose of the ages? Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that God has put eternity in man’s heart. Within man are the questions of eternity: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is the purpose of my life? The Bible tells us that in eternity past God purposed to…
Read MoreLoving the Lord
As believers we must have a private, hidden, personal life with the Lord. Such secret experiences must precede our corporate experience and cannot be replaced by it. The Song of Songs presents to us the way that we as lovers of Christ can pursue Him and attain to the goal to which He has called…
Read MoreA Call to Life
The ultimate gift and topmost blessing that God has given to us is His eternal life. By virtue of our regeneration we possess this life. In all our activities and in all our church life we must continually pay attention to this matter. Eating the tree of life by enjoying Christ as our life supply…
Read MoreCalling Upon The Name of the Lord
Calling on the name of the Lord is a simple way to enjoy the Lord. In our daily life, wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we can continually breathe in the Lord, be supplied with all His riches, and be saved more in His life through this simple practice.
Read MoreEuropean YP Conference – The Kingdom
The kingdom is a great subject in the Bible. Though usually treated as a subject of prophecy, the kingdom is very much related to our church life today. We need to see that the kingdom of God is the Lord Jesus sown as a seed into the believers and developing into a realm in which…
Read MoreEuropean YP Conference – The Lord’s Return
Download: The Lord’s Return (1) The Lord’s Return (2) The Lord’s Return (3) The Lord’s Return (4) The Lord’s Return (5) The Lord’s Return (6) The Lord’s Return (7) The Lord’s Return (8) The Lord’s Return (9) Special Fellowship – The Way to Be Prepared, Preserved and Useful To The Lord for His Return
Read More1997 College Training – History of God’s Move
Have you ever considered that there is a human history and a divine history. God is moving in a hidden and mysterious way in human history to produce something for Himself. In this college training given in 1997 we consider the history of God’s move throughout the centuries. We begin by taking a brief look…
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